I went Stitches with Sierra and Jeanne, stayed overnight and it was so much fun. Weaving was everywhere at the show, especially rigid heddle. I bought some yarn for weaving. I hope to weave these projects up and students can purchase them on line. This is a picture of a weaving kit from the Purlescence Yarns booth located in Sunnyvale, CA. The yarn company is called Lunatic Fringe Yarns. This can be done on a rigid heddle or floor loom. I can’t wait to get started.
I also purchased a great book called weave-knit-wear by Judith Shangold. If there are weavers out there that want to make clothes, you will love this book.
While there, I met Stephen West, Anna Zilboorg and Alastair Post-Quinn (taught me double knitting).
I’m going to start saving up now for next year