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Indigo Shibori Dyeing
Stitches West 2016
Stitches West was so much fun. We spent two FULL days. Clearly, we had to take a picture with Stephen West. Stitches continues to feature plenty of weaving and spinning displays as well as the many kitting demonstrations. Three of my favorite booths are:
DanDoh Designs – Yumiko Alexander is a designer of a line of knitting and crochet patterns marked and published under the business name “DanDoh” located in Chandler Arizona. She started selling her designs in Japan before moving to the US. DanDoh means Warm Earth. The yarns are beautiful linens, cotton, wool and cashmere. Her shawl designs are particularly attractive.
Red Fish Dyeworks is a small company that dyes silk and silk blend yarn, fiber and fabric by hand. This is one of my favorite booths to visit. I always make a point to buy the silk 20/2 for weaving. It is difficult to make a decision on what colors to choose. There is too much to pick from.
Fiberlady – Fine Bamboo Fibers & Yarns – I love to weave with the Luxury Bamboo yarnb sett at 30 epi. They sell several bamboo and bamboo blends yarns and fiber. There are many colors to choose from.
New knitters
Tonight I had three brand new knitters in my class. I showed them the two knitting styles of English and Continental and the pros and cons between the two. They decided on Continental. It was a great class. They were so excited! They want to knit everything I have in the studio. Wrongly, I think sometimes every body knows how to knit. Then I have this opportunity to teach these brand new knitters and then realize there is still people out there who do not know this fabulous craft.
Stitches West 2015
I went Stitches with Sierra and Jeanne, stayed overnight and it was so much fun. Weaving was everywhere at the show, especially rigid heddle. I bought some yarn for weaving. I hope to weave these projects up and students can purchase them on line. This is a picture of a weaving kit from the Purlescence Yarns booth located in Sunnyvale, CA. The yarn company is called Lunatic Fringe Yarns. This can be done on a rigid heddle or floor loom. I can’t wait to get started.
I also purchased a great book called weave-knit-wear by Judith Shangold. If there are weavers out there that want to make clothes, you will love this book.
While there, I met Stephen West, Anna Zilboorg and Alastair Post-Quinn (taught me double knitting).
I’m going to start saving up now for next year