Tonight I had three brand new knitters in my class. I showed them the two knitting styles of English and Continental and the pros and cons between the two. They decided on Continental. It was a great class. They were so excited! They want to knit everything I have in the studio. Wrongly, I think sometimes every body knows how to knit. Then I have this opportunity to teach these brand new knitters and then realize there is still people out there who do not know this fabulous craft.
Author Archives: Eileen Lee
Stitches West 2015
I went Stitches with Sierra and Jeanne, stayed overnight and it was so much fun. Weaving was everywhere at the show, especially rigid heddle. I bought some yarn for weaving. I hope to weave these projects up and students can purchase them on line. This is a picture of a weaving kit from the Purlescence Yarns booth located in Sunnyvale, CA. The yarn company is called Lunatic Fringe Yarns. This can be done on a rigid heddle or floor loom. I can’t wait to get started.
I also purchased a great book called weave-knit-wear by Judith Shangold. If there are weavers out there that want to make clothes, you will love this book.
While there, I met Stephen West, Anna Zilboorg and Alastair Post-Quinn (taught me double knitting).
I’m going to start saving up now for next year
Erma Weaving
Wonderful morning at Dee’s House
Today I had the privilege of spending a wonderful morning with Dee Jones. She instructed us on “How to Sew with Handwoven. As most of you know, she has a wealth of information. Thank you, Dee, for a perfectly delightful morning and the inspiration you have given me.
This picture makes me laugh because you can see my reflection in the mirror taking the picture.
NC Knitters – Jeanne Doty’s House – Tuesdays 9:30-11:30 am
Jeanne is very gracious to offer her house on Tuesday mornings for social knitting gatherings. February 3 was our first meeting for the NC Knitters. It was so much fun sharing knitting and weaving. There was plenty of inspiring conversation. Just the other day, I read this story about social knitting. This article was about the significance of social knitting in the rural Welsh knitters life:
“The knitting night was an important social event in eighteenth century Wales and well into the nineteenth century. The party was often held on moonlit nights with special treats provided by the hostess. The ladies usually arrived first and the young men followed later. All the ladies would work on their knitting; some of the men would knit garters. Both written and oral accounts show that not much work was really accomplished during these evenings – stories were told and stitches were dropped as teasing lads pull out needles. Good storytellers were always welcome at these gatherings, especially if they told ghost stories, which made the ladies nervous and unwilling to walk home without a male escort (from Minwel Tibbott’s Knitting Stockings in Wales). “
My thought about this, if he values his life, my husband would never think of pulling out my needles!
Weaving Class
Today was a weaving class with sierra and jeanne